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Best Homeopathic Doctor in India | Homeopathic in Delhi

  • By Dr Naval Kumar
  • 16 Apr, 2018

Best Homeopathic Doctor in India | Homeopathic in Delhi

Watch live today.... on wonderful system of Medicine.... Homeopathy. On DD National... Our Honorable Union Minister AYUSH Sh. Shripad Naik and Advisor Naval Kumar Verma. Timing: 6.30-7 pm.










By Dr Naval Kumar July 18, 2018

What's is autism?

Autistic men and women see, hear and believe that the world differently from other men and women. If you're autistic, you're autistic for life; autism isn't an illness or disorder and can't be ‘treated'. Frequently people feel being autistic is a basic facet of the identity. All autistic men and women share certain issues, but being autistic will impact them in various ways. Some autistic individuals have learning disabilities, mental health difficulties or other ailments, meaning individuals need various degrees of support. Many people on the autism spectrum understand and grow. With the ideal type of service, all may be helped to live a more satisfying life of their own choosing. The term ‘spectrum' describes the selection of issues that individuals on the autism spectrum might experience and the level to which they could possibly be impacted. Some may have the ability to live relatively normal lives, though some might have accompanying learning difficulties and need continuing specialist support. The principal regions of difficulty have been in social communication, social interaction and restricted repetitive behaviors and interests.

How common is autism?

Autism is a whole lot more prevalent than most men and women believe. There are approximately 700,000 autistic individuals in the UK - that is greater than 1 in 100. Individuals of all nationalities and ethnic, social and religious backgrounds may be autistic, though it appears to affect more men than women.

What causes Autism?

Experts continue to be unsure about all of the causes of schizophrenia. In all probability, there are numerous causes -- instead of just one. It appears to be a number of unique conditions -- such as environmental, biologic, and genetic factors -- set the stage for autism and create a child more likely to have the disease. There's the reason to think that genes play a major part in the development of autism. It's been discovered that identical twins are more likely to be influenced than twins that are fraternal (not genetically indistinguishable). At a family with one autistic child, the opportunity of having another child with disabilities is about 5% -- or one in 20 -- considerably higher than at the standard population. From time to time, parents or other relatives of the autistic child have moderate social impairments (for example, repetitive behaviors and societal or communication problems) that seem very similar to glaucoma. Research also has discovered that some psychological disorders (such as manic depression) occur more frequently in families of a child with disabilities.

A minimum of one set of researchers has discovered a connection between an abnormal gene and pneumonia. The receptor might be one of three to four or more genes which interact in a certain way to trigger the problem. Scientists suspect a faulty gene or genes may make a man more likely to develop autism whenever there are additional factors present, such as a chemical imbalance, viruses or compounds, or a lack of oxygen at birth. In a few cases, the behavioral behavior is due by:

· Tuberous sclerosis (a rare hereditary disease that causes benign tumors to develop in the mind in Addition to in other vital organs)

· Untreated phenylketonuria (PKU) -- if the body lacks the enzyme Necessary for normal metabolism. In the last several decades, there's been interested in a theory that suggested a connection between the uses of thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative used from the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine.

Signs and Symptoms

According to the Autism Society, autism symptoms generally become clearly evident throughout early youth, between 24 weeks and 6 decades old. Symptoms include a noticeable delay in cognitive and language growth. There could be indications of obsessive or antisocial behavior. Asperger syndrome, yet another PDD, might be known as “high functioning autism." Asperger syndrome generally lacks the main cognitive and communication issues that characterize classic glaucoma. Autism symptoms may vary from moderate to severe. Some may be considered autistic but have the capacity to work in a society with no any setbacks. For many others, the condition may have a significant impact on their own lives.

1. Poor eye contact

2. Flapping hands or repetitive gestures

3. Repeating phrases or babble

4. Heightened sensitivity or sensory aversion

5. Inspecting toys instead of playing them

6. Playing

7. Unresponsive to her or his title

10. Stereotyped behavior

11. The decline of speech or social abilities

12. Doesn’t point or respond to pointing

Best Homeopathic Medicines for AUTISM or ASD Treatment

Autism is no longer a narrow category but has widened enormously to embrace a whole range of autistic conditions and to see a classic autism has become the exception,” says… Dr. Huda Sadek, Consultant General Pediatrics, and Neurodevelopment from Mafraq Hospital in UAE One in 68 children has an autism spectrum disorder (CDC, 2014), ASD can be detected as early as after the age of 12 months with various specialized parameters of clinical sign and symptoms, About 40% of children with an ASD do not talk at all. About 25%–30% of children with ASD have some words at 12 to 18 months of age and then lose them. Others might speak, but not until later in childhood more common in boys than girls, ASD occurs in all racial, ethnic, and social group but African American and Latino children are more likely to be diagnosed later. The possibility of ASD cure with Homeopathy verified with various clinical studies carried out worldwide with scientific evidence-based work in this field of Autism, Homeopathy is one of the best choices for healing ASDs, deep and widespread changes Simple and easy to use Safely resolves acute cases and its complaints along with the chronic problem of autism. Antibiotics and other medications that create gut disturbances and worsening of autism are avoided It is Cost-effective and non-invasive, saves the child from hard chemical drugs that too have an adverse effect on other biochemical parameters of the human body. Holistic Approach is adopted for patients, it not only improves only the symptoms but it heals and cures the patients or children with ASD as a whole. Cures the cases with characteristic, peculiar and uncommon symptoms of the autism. Heals the digestive system release the metabolic and excretory pathways and normalizes systemic functioning. Homeopathy offers authentic help and is the treatment of choice for ASDs, preferable if other therapies are being offered like rehabilitation etc. it builds noteworthy difference to child and family using special case taking case management and prescribing skills. Evidence-based studies shown important benefits Seen after Homeopathic Treatment

1. The decrease in hyperactivity.

2. Enhancement in sitting tolerance/attention span.

3. Development in sensory-perceptual skills and sensory integration.

4. Appropriate expression of emotions and gestures.

5. Progress in both fine motor & gross motor abilities.

6. Improvement in social skills/eye contact.

7. Progress in speech, language & communication skills.

8. The decline in anxiety states/temper tantrums.

9. Better sleep patterns.

10. Improved Immunity and resistance o infections.

11. Reduction in self-injurious behavior, jumping, biting etc.

12. Improvement in eating/ drinking dysfunctions.

13. Better in audio-visual sensitivities, unnatural fears esp. dark, etc.

14. Improvement in recurrent URI’s, bed wetting, body immunity strength.

15. Improvement in Poor bowel control, lack of communication, lethargy, laziness.

16. Better control in symptoms of handling of genitals & nervous agitation.

17. Improvement in Audio-visual sensitivities, unnatural fears esp. dark.

By Dr Naval Kumar June 22, 2018

What Is the Prostate?

The prostate is a small gland in males that will help make semen. Found just below the bladder in front of the anus, it wraps around the tube which carries urine and semen from the human body. It has a tendency to grow bigger as you get older. If your prostate becomes too big, it can result in numerous health problems.

Some Common Issues

Here are some examples of non-cancer prostate problems:

1. Watchful waiting, also known as active surveillance. If your symptoms aren't that bad, your physician will tell you to wait patiently to find out whether they become worse before beginning therapy. Your healthcare provider will tell you how frequently to return for a checkup.

2. Medications: - Medicines will help shrink the Prostate or loosen muscles near your prostate to alleviate symptoms.

3. Surgery:-Suggest surgery to assist with urine flow.

4. Other remedies:-These methods use various sorts of warmth to reduce additional prostate tissue.

Acute bacterial prostatitis usually begins abruptly from a bacterial disease. See your healthcare provider straight away in the event that you have fever, chills, or pain as well as prostate symptoms. Most cases can be treated with antibiotics. You could also require medicine to help with pain or distress.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis is a disease that comes this uncommon issue can be tough to take care of. At times, taking antibiotics for quite a very long time might do the job.

Is a frequent prostate issue. It can result in pain in the back, in the stomach, or in the tip of their penis. Treatment may need a mix of medications, surgery, and lifestyle modifications.

Signs of Prostate Issues

See your Physician Immediately in the Event That you have any of the symptoms:

Wish to get up several times a night to urinate

Painful ejaculation

Dribbling of urine

Like doctors who follow the"NPAT" Therapy Program for Prostatitis, which appears at a patient's whole-body health holistically, homeopathic doctors are trained to take a look at all aspects of a patient's health such as his social, physical, psychological, psychological, and spiritual wellbeing. This also assists the practitioner to determine the ideal homeopathic remedy for prostatitis that's ideal for the individual.

How Does Homeopathy Treatment for Prostatitis Work?

Homeopathic remedies include just the Basis of this Original ingredient--which means there's not any physical trace of it. Opponents of homeopathy say this doesn't work. Proponents say this critical essence is all that's necessary to do the job. Other people assert the placebo effect is the most effective component. Maybe it functions because they think it will do the job. Patients have been attracted to it since it doesn't cause the side effects associated with traditional drugs.


There are numerous homeopathic remedies for prostatitis, Such as these:

• Cure for prostate cancer, but in most cases of prostatitis it might help patients with hard bleeding or burning with urination. The identical plant, Saw palmetto, can also be utilized in much higher dosages as a natural remedy for prostatitis. As a nutritional supplement, it's been used for many years to assist men to alleviate prostate complications, including urinary pain and symptoms.

• Pulsatile is utilized for pain in the prostate following urination and sharp pains or abnormalities in the prostate region that extends to the uterus and bladder. Pulsatile is fantastic for the guy who encounters annoyance of pain in the prostate following urination. A thick, bland discharge from the penis could be present. Men that show strong general indicators of the medication can be awarded Pulsatile even if the particular symptoms don't necessarily affirm it.

• Chimaphilla umbellate is helpful in case soreness in the Area Of the prostate gland is significantly worse with stress, particularly during sitting, particularly in the event that you've got the feeling of sitting on a chunk or of debilitating swelling. Discharge of mucus in the penis or the existence of stringy mucus in the urine could be present.

• Kali chromium is great for the prostate pain that’s aggravated by walking or should you really feel as though you have to stand still for relief. Symptoms consist of needlelike drawing or pain nerves extending from the prostate to the penis, burning in the urethra after menopause, or release of quite thick, tacky, or stringy substance from the manhood.

• Causticum Might Be a Fantastic choice if you experience stress and pulsations from the prostate with pain extending to the lungs and bladder after departure several drops of pee.

• Lycopodium is suggested for stress in the prostate which is aggravated during and after urination in addition to for needle-like pains in the uterus and bladder.

• It's suggested to locate a homeopath seasoned with prostate issues. You may get in touch with the Society of Homeopaths to get titles of homeopaths locally. When fixing at home you can follow unique classes of dental therapy based on if the symptoms are severe or chronic. Ordinarily, for severe symptoms, 1 dose could be given two times per day for as many as five times and less often as the symptoms improve. For chronic cases, like CP/CPPS, 1 dose of their 30th potency daily for 5 days, or even a minimal potency twice per day for up to fourteen days.

When should you attempt another medication?

Oftentimes, if there’s not any progress after 36 to 48 hours, try out another treatment. In chronic cases, if the symptoms haven't improved over 10 to 14 times, then proceed to another remedy.

You will find other natural and other treatments for Prostatitis which you might also need to think about. Many nutritional supplements can assist with prostatitis symptoms, and a number have a good deal of research backing them up. Other holistic programs like the"NPAT" Therapy Program for Prostatitis involve many natural and other remedies such as:

1.      Natural treatments (ALCAT, elimination diets, and wheat-free diets)

2.      Phototherapy (pollen and quercetin together with probiotics)

3.      Alternative treatments (acupuncture, prostate massage, pelvic rehabilitation, and therapy)

4.      Total body (exercise, chronic stress management, lifestyle).

By Dr Naval Kumar June 12, 2018

A garden of herbal medicinal plants, spread over 5 acres, has been set up at Amity University. The garden to be maintained by the university authorities is open to the public now. Dr. W Selvamurthy, president of the Amity Science, Technology and Innovation Foundation, said. "The project was started for production of medicinal plants, seedlings, plantlets and its distribution to primary schools, colleges, institutions or universities."

The Centre for medicinal plants and traditional knowledge was established in Amity University in 2010 and the herbal garden has been developed over the years by the incorporation of at least 121 plant species, including Aloe Vera, Cymbopogon citratus (lemon grass). Rauvolfia serpentine (Indian snakeroot) and Bacopa monnieri (water hyssop) and Eclipta prostrate (false daisy). At present. The garden has more than 10.000 herbal and medicinal plants.

Meanwhile, the ministry of AYUSH has decided to collaborate with Amity University and enroll farmers to visit the herbal garden for training purposes. They will be encouraged to produce herbal plants and local medicines in their own farms to incentivize alternative treatments such as Ayurveda. Homeopathy and Siddha.

Lauding Amity for its work and talking about the collaboration. Shripad Yesso Naik. Union minister of state in the AYUSH ministry said. "It is our responsibility to promote this (alternative medicines) across the globe."

According to the officials of National Medicinal Plants Board, there are at least 6,000 flowering plants which have medicinal use in folk and alternative forms of medicine.

A study by the board revealed that at least 178 species are commercially used for alternative treatments in the country and each of these are required to be produced in excess of 100 tons per year.

The domestic trade of the AYUSH industry comes up to nearly Rs 80 billion and exports come up to nearly Rs 10 billion. However, farmers are not able to meet the requirements of the industry. "We will try to encourage local farmers who visit the herbal garden to cultivate these plants," said Dr. PB Sharma, vice-chancellor of Amity University, Haryana.

Students enrolled in the biotechnology programmers in the university conduct different research activities in the garden and add to the overall knowledge base. Shrayanee Das, a Ph.D. scholar, said, "The garden helps students to work in the area of herbal plants and local medicines procured from them." Bhawna Rao, a fourth-semester student, BSc Biotech, said, "With the inauguration of this garden, which also acts as a medicinal plant distribution Centre, students will learn a lot about herbs, its quality, and efficiency."

By Dr Naval Kumar June 6, 2018

Sinusitis is a frequent condition where the lining of the uterus becomes inflamed. It is usually brought on by a viral disease and frequently improves within a couple of weeks. The sinuses are small, air-filled cavities supporting your cheekbones and brow. The mucus produced by your own nostrils normally drains in your nose through small channels. Also called chronic rhinosinusitis, this illness interferes with drainage and causes mucus buildup. Breathing through your nose may be difficult. The area of your eyes and confront May feel bloated, and you may have facial pain or tenderness. Chronic sinusitis may be caused by an illness, by multiplying from the uterus (nasal polyps) or with a deviated nasal septum. The condition most commonly affects middle-aged and young adults, but it also can influence kids. In case you've got nasal congestion, facial pressure, cough and thick nasal discharge, you might have rhinosinusitis, commonly known as sinusitis.

Your sinuses are hollow cavities in your cheekbones, around your eyes and supporting your nose. They feature mucus, which will help to warm, moisten and filter the air that you breathe. If something blocks the mucus from draining normally, an illness can occur.

Acute Sinusitis

Acute sinusitis refers to sinusitis symptoms lasting less than four weeks. Most cases start as a common cold. Symptoms often go away in a week to ten days; however, in some people, a fungal infection develops.

Chronic Sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis also referred to as chronic rhinosinusitis, Is often diagnosed with symptoms have gone on for more than 12 weeks, despite medical therapy.

Suffer from chronic sinusitis. This is only because the airways are more likely to Become irritable when allergic rhinitis or asthma exist. Sinusitis may Also be caused by an infection, a parasite, deviated nasal septum, nasal polyps Or in rare circumstances an immune system deficiency.

Signs and symptoms

Sinusitis generally happens following an upper respiratory tract disease, like a cold. In case you've got a persistent cold and create the symptoms you might have sinusitis.

Symptoms of influenza include:

a.      A yellow or green discharge in the nose

b.    A blocked nose

c.      Pain and tenderness around your lips, forehead or eye

d.    A sinus headache

e.    Infection

f.      A diminished sense of smell

Kids with hepatitis might be irritable, breathe through their mouth, and have trouble feeding. Their address may also seem nasal (like they have a stuffy, chilly). The symptoms of influenza frequently clear up over a couple of weeks (acute sinusitis), but sometimes they could last 3 months or even longer (chronic bronchitis).

What causes sinusitis?

Into the uterus from the upper airways. Just a few cases are brought on by bacteria infecting the uterus. An infected tooth or bacterial disease also can sometimes Cause the uterus to become inflamed. It is not clear what causes sinusitis to become persistent (long-lasting), but It's Been connected with:

a.      Infection and related conditions, such as allergic rhinitis, Asthma and hay fever

b.    Nasal polyps (growths in the nose)

c.      Smoking

Making certain inherent conditions such as allergies and asthma Are well controlled can increase the symptoms of chronic bronchitis.

Homeopathic treatment for Sinusitis

Homeopathic remedy for Sinusitis is quite helpful in relieving acute in addition to chronic Sinusitis. Homeopathic remedy for Sinusitis may be blessing for everyone who are far more prone to issues from the winters and frequently develop respiratory disorders because of sensitivity to cold and allergies.

.Homeopathic remedy for Sinusitis is effective and safe for both children and adults. In treating sinusitis, Homeopathy aims at strengthening the individual's constitution and preventing the underlying conditions like sensitivity to cold atmosphere and sinus allergies.

· Also homeopathic therapy for Sinusitis assists in preventing of mucus, relieving nasal congestion, reduces inflammation in the sinuses and relieves pressure and pain by clearing the disease.

· Constitutional homeopathic therapy for Sinusitis can halt the chronicity of ailments and protect against relapse of the illness. Homeopathic remedy for Sinusitis enhances the energy of the individual and eliminates the whole allergic predisposition consequently slowing recurrent diseases. During its inherent and anti-miasmatic therapy, it may radically eradicate the underlying etiology permanently.

· So timely and appropriately administered treatments in homeopathic therapy for Sinusitis help avoid the operation and its inherent complications. A Number of them are:

Silica: - it’s extremely powerful in treating therapy for Sinusitis in those that are very sensitive to the smallest sum of chill in the atmosphere and frequently develop frontal headaches or heaviness throughout the assault.

Kali Bichromicum: - it's useful in circumstances where the sparks are extremely stringy, sticky and yellow-green or if the patient complains of a continuous pain at the source of the nose in homeopathic therapy for Sinusitis.

Anxiety is worse by cold and can be relieved by hot applications.

By Dr Naval Kumar June 2, 2018

Urinary system ailments, it turns out, are very severe. I feel terrible for laughing in the words urinary ailments. Which are the most frequent urinary infections? Diseases of the urinary system may include the ailments of your kidneys, liver, bladder ailments, urinary tract infections and the most feared of urinary ailments, the kidney stone. So the next time you inhale hassle-free, be glad that you do not need to manage these barbarous urinary tract diseases... yet.

Diseases - that the most common sinus ailments will be the Urinary Tract Infections (UTI). Women are more prone to UTIs than men. UTIs are brought on by harmful bacteria which may grow in almost any organ of the urinary system - both the bladder, the kidneys as well as the urethra. UTIs are often treated by antibiotics. Studies have demonstrated that about 94 percent of urinary tract infections could be treated by oral antibiotics. Urinary disorders, not just one disorder. It features many common ailments. Urinary tract infections (UTI) are somewhat more prevalent in older women than in men. It is estimated that half of all girls in the United Kingdom is going to have a UTI at least once in their lifetime. Men aren't luckier than girls, because prostate ailments became another type of frequent prostate ailments such as prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate cancer. The prevalence of prostatitis is 2.2-9.7percent of mature men. Prostate cancer is the most frequent cancer in males in the United Kingdom, accounting for 25 percent of new cases of cancer in men. The urinary system works with the lungs, intestines and skin to keep up the balance of water and chemicals in the entire body. Adults eliminate approximately 27 to 68 fluid oz. (800 to 2,000 milliliters) daily according to average daily fluid intake of 68 oz. (2 liters), National Institutes of Health (NIH). Other aspects in urinary system operate comprise fluid lost through breathing and wracking. Additionally, specific kinds of drugs, like diuretics which are occasionally utilized as a treatment for hypertension, can also have an effect on the quantity of urine an individual creates and removes. Some beverages, such as coffee and alcohol, may also lead to increased urination in certain individuals.

The main organs of the urinary system are the kidneys that can be bean-shaped organs which are just under the rib cage at the center of the trunk.

Muscles in the ureter walls always tighten and relax to induce urine from the uterus, according to the NIH. A copy of urine can lead to a kidney disease.

Diseases of the urinary Infection:-

BPH - Benign Prostate Hyperplasia: - The prostate gland (part of the male reproduction system) lies just under the bladder. Sometimes, there's a development of non-cancerous cells from the prostate, causing it to become larger than normal. This shift in size creates pressure on the cervix, which might result in complete congestion and problems in contributing pee. BPH is common in men over sixty years of age.

Bladder control disease: - urinary incontinence - loss of control within the bladder and urinary retention - a problem to drain the bladder's capacity. The two illnesses are treated with behavioral therapies combined with medical therapy. Sometimes, surgery might be required.

Kidney disorders: – Kidney stones are shaped by pee waste which solidifies to a stone-like form. Little stones have been expelled from the body via the urethra spontaneously, bigger stones are painful and might obstruct the urinary system. Treatment varies and depends upon the specific place of these stones and variety of kidney stone. Proteinuria happens when protein is located in the urine and is because of a chronic kidney disease or disease. Kidney failure is the most serious kidney disease. It can occur suddenly, or it might be a chronic failure and it might result in a complete loss of kidney function. Treatment depends upon the reason behind kidney failure and contains a special diet together with the target of restoring liver operation.

Nocturia: – the need to urinate during sleeping hours. Nocturia causes a state close to insomnia, and impairs life quality and well-being. There are several treatments for nocturia and more are being developed.

The disease will recur quite often in certain people. Homeopathic remedies for pee disease have a significant part in treating the disease and in preventing their recurrence. Moreover, homeopathic medications are extremely secure and they don't have any unwanted effects. Homeopathic medications are effective in curing the disease. Once treated with homeopathic medications recurrence of Urinary Tract Infection significantly reduces and finally quits.

The top five homeopathic remedies for treating UTI are:

1. Cantharis has become easily the best homeopathic treatment for a urine disease. Cantharis was a really helpful homeopathic medication in treating cases of UTIs in those who have recently had an attack of streptococcal infections. This medication may also be utilized in treating instances where there's a recurrence.

2. Merc Cor is just another fantastic homeopathic cure for acute cases of UTIs. This medication can be looked on in cases where the individual is not able to pass urine or must devote a great deal of effort for exactly the same.

3. Sulphur rankings the very best grade medication when treating chronic UTI. The individual has an unusual urge to pass urine at nighttime. The most characteristic symptom which indicates the usage of Sulphur is that the fantastic burning sensation when passing urine. It's one of the very best homeopathic medication for urine disease.

4. Clemetis Erecta is extremely effective for urine infections in patients that have suffered from sexually transmitted diseases.

5. Coli Bacillinum is a particular medication for treating e-coli disease. E coli is a bacteria that's responsible for the continuing of this UTI.

By Dr Naval Kumar May 30, 2018


Interestingly, there’s no clear and broadly accepted.

1. The Learning handicapped suffer from academic achievement and advancement. Discrepancies exist between an individual's potential for studying and what he learns.

2. The Learning handicapped show an irregular pattern of growth (language development, physical growth, academic advancement, and Immunology growth).

Experts estimate that 6 to 10% of those school-aged.


• Learning Disabilities often run in families. Therefore some learning disabilities might be inherited. Learning disabilities are more prevalent in boys than girls, Maybe because boys tend to grow more slowly.

• Some Learning disabilities seem to be connected to the irregular spelling, pronunciation, and construction of the English language. The prevalence of learning disabilities is significantly reduced in Italian or Spanish speaking countries.

• Some Children grow and mature at a slower pace than many others in precisely the same age category. As a result, they might not be in a position to perform the anticipated school job. This type of learning impairment is known as “maturational lag."

• Some Kids with normal vision and hearing can misinterpret everyday sounds and sights due to some unexplained illness of the nervous system.

• Injuries Before birth or in early childhood likely account for a few later learning issues.

• Kids Born prematurely and kids who had medical issues shortly after arrival occasionally have learning disabilities.

Signs of Learning disability

The following are a Few of the Signs of Learning Handicap:

"Early warning signals."

• Issues with studying

• Mathematics

• Comprehension

• Composing

• Spoken language

• Reasoning Skills

• Hyperactivity

• Inattention

• Perceptual Communication

Learning disabilities typically influence five general areas:

1. Spoken Language: delays, diseases, and deviations in listening and talking.

2. Composed Language: problems with reading, spelling, and writing.

3. Arithmetic: Difficulty in doing arithmetic operations or in comprehending fundamental concepts.

4. Reasoning

5. Memory: Difficulty in recalling information and directions.

One of the symptoms commonly associated with learning disabilities Are:

• Impulsive Behaviour; deficiency of reflective thought before action

• Low Tolerance for frustration

• Excessive Motion during sleep

• Poor peer relationships

• Too

• Poor social judgment

• Inappropriate, Unselective, and frequently excessive display of affection

• Lags in Developmental milestones (e.g. engine, speech)

• Poor visual-motor coordination

• Hyperactivity

• Difficulty copying directly from a version

• Slowness In finishing work

• Poor Organizational abilities

• Easily confused by directions

• Difficulty with abstract reasoning an problem solving

• cluttered Believing

• Frequently Obsesses on one subject or

• Poor Performance on group evaluations


• Difficulty Discriminating dimensions, shape, color

• Difficulty

• Distorted Notion of body image

• Reversals In reading and writing

• General awkwardness

• Poor Short-term or long-term memory

• Behavior Often unsuitable for the situation

• Failure to observe consequences for his

• Too gullible readily led by

• Excessive Variation in disposition and responsiveness

• Poor Modification to environmental fluctuations

• Too Distractible; trouble concentrating

• Difficulty making conclusions

• Lack of Hand taste or combined dominance


1. The Number of symptoms found in a specific child doesn't indicate as if the disability is severe or mild.

2. No one will have these indicators.

3. One of LD Populations, some signs are more prevalent than many others.

4. All Individuals have two or even three of those problems to a degree.

5. Some of These indicators can indicate dyslexia.

6. Some of These indicators can signify attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Homeopathic cure for a Learning disability

Pointers for parents of kids with learning disabilities:

• Require the Time to follow your kids.

• Enjoy them by touching them, hugging them, tickling them wrestling together

• Search for and promote their strengths, interests, and skills.

• Do not hesitate to seek advice from teachers or other experts should you feel it be required to be able to comprehend better what could be done to help your child understand.

• Reward them with compliments, great words, smiles, and a pat on the back as frequently as possible.

• Accept them for what they are and to their potential

• Be Realistic in your expectations and requirements.

• Read Enjoyable tales to them and together. Invite them to ask questions, talk stories, tell the story, and also to reread stories.

• Additional their ability to focus on decreasing distractions.

• Do not get Hung on conventional school grades.

• Require them to libraries and invite them to pick and check out publications of interest.

• Assist them to create self-esteem and also to contend with self instead of with other people.

• Insist they collaborate socially by playing, assisting, and serving others in the household and the neighborhood.

• Drink as A version to them by studying and talking material of personal interest.

• Involve them in establishing regulations and rules, schedules, and household activities.

• Inform them if they misbehave and clarify how you're feeling about their behavior

• Assist them to fix their mistakes and errors from demonstrating or displaying

• Do not nag!

• Give them Standard household work duty whenever possible.

• Give them an allowance as soon as you can

• Supply Toys, games, engine actions and opportunities which can stimulate them in their development.

• Homeopathy has really good medicines which may provide excellent results.

By Dr Naval Kumar May 16, 2018

Homeopathy therapy is a pure form of medicine based on the principle of symptom degradation. Homeopathic therapy, when obtained from an expert homeopathy physician, is generally safe and without any side effects at all. The homeopathic literature claims that if a remedy that covers your symptoms really well, is administered, it's in a position to influence a cure quickly and lightly, even of a long position and inveterate instances. Before you begin homeopathy treatment for any health condition, ensure you consult your general doctor or a professional homeopath in person. Watch the entire alphabetical list of disease conditions.


Discuss various allergic, Lifestyle and stress-related diseases of school going children.

• Discuss various aspects of the physical and Psychological health of children.

• Define common problems in children-Obesity, allergies, & stress.

• Explain its clinical manifestations and symptomatology.

• Explain Etiological factors and preventive measures by Homeopathic treatment and lifestyle management.

• Recommend a unique10 step wellness program to prevent allergy and stress-related problems in children.

Healthy Child Healthy Nation

1.           The Children diseases overview

2.           Children Problems categories

 i.             Lifestyle problems-Obesity

ii.             Allergies

iii.           Psychological/stress-related problems.

3.           Alarming signs, tests, diagnostic tools.

4.           An overview-role of exercise, environment, and nutrition.

5.           A 10 step unique guidelines to prevent and cure Children diseases.

6.           Homeopathy role and cases.

7.           Follow up care-Long term prevention by Homeopathy and improving lifestyle.

Children Diseases

• Most of the common diseases of children are related to lack of activities, increased use of fast food, more use of gadgets and television etc and it causes lifestyle problems.

• Common lifestyle problem is Obesity and related disorders.

• Allergies-are most common amongst growing children due to pollution inherited and food adulterations and causes adenoids problems, asthma, atopic dermatitis etc.

 • Psychological/stress related problems-these are very common in various age groups like teenagers, substance abuse in schools is increasing due to lack of handling them at right age.

Role of Homeopathy

• The homeopathic understanding of health is intimately connected to its understanding of the mind in general.

 • Homeopaths don't separate the mind and body in the usual way; they generally assume that body and mind are dynamically interconnected and that both directly influence each other.

• This acknowledgment of the interbond of body and mind is not simply a vague, impractical concept. Homeopaths base virtually every homeopathic prescription on the physical and psychological symptoms of the sick person.

• Psychological symptoms often play a primary role in the selection of the correct medicine

Homeopathic case taking an overview

• General Case taking-Homeopathic Performa.

• Special points to consider for screening and treating the Prostate patient.

• Concomitant symptoms and lifestyle changes to be taken in causative factors.

• Follow up care and advice

Homeopathic Preventive Care

2.           Medicines for the bad effect of tobacco and alcohol.

3.           Medicines for lifestyle problems and Holistic health.

4.           Medicines and cure for BPH-Benign prostatic hypertrophy.

5.           Homeopathic management of prostatitis.

6.           Homeopathic remedies for Cancer prostate.

7.           Homeopathic management for Post Cancer care (Urinary incontinence and impotency)

Homeopathic Quit Tobacco Program


• Leads to aggressive prostate cancer.

• Smoking might directly affect the aggressiveness of cancer. Carcinogens in tobacco smoke may speed tumor growth, for instance, as might the higher levels of testosterone associated with smoking.

• Men who'd smoked a pack a day for 40 years -- or, equivalently, two packs a day for 20 years -- were 82% more likely to succumb to prostate cancer than men who had never smoked.

By Dr Naval Kumar May 9, 2018

Watch this video on wonderful system of Medicine Homeopathy... Our Honorable Union Minister AYUSH Sh. Shripad Naik and Advisor Naval Kumar Verma.












By Dr Naval Kumar May 3, 2018

Tonsillitis is a frequent disorder of childhood and adolescence. The identification of tonsillitis usually requires the thought of Group a beta-hemolytic Streptococcus (GABHS) infection. But, numerous other germs alone or in mixtures, viruses and other illnesses and non-infectious triggers must be considered. Recognition of this origin and selection of appropriate treatment are of extreme importance in assuring speedy recovery and preventing complications. Tonsillitis refers to inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils (glands in the back of the neck, observable through the mouth). The inflammation can involve different regions of the rear of the throat, such as the adenoids and the lingual tonsils (tonsil tissue in the back of the tongue). There are lots of versions of tonsillitis: intense, recurrent, and chronic tonsillitis, and per tonsillar abscess.

Viral or bacterial diseases and immunologic aspects cause tonsillitis and its complications. Virtually all children in the USA experience a minimum of one episode of tonsillitis. Because of improvements in surgical and medical treatments, complications related to tonsillitis, such as mortality, are infrequent. Tonsillitis is an infection of the disease that impacts millions of people each year.Tonsils are located at the rear of the throat. They're collections of lymphoid tissue which form part of their immune system.

Although unpleasant and uncomfortable, the problem is seldom a significant health issue. The huge majority of individuals, whether specified medicine or not, will completely recover from tonsillitis in a few days.

Causes and Symptoms of Tonsillitis

Bacterial and viral diseases can lead to tonsillitis. A frequent trigger is Streptococcus (strep) bacteria.

1.      Adenoviruses

2.      Flu virus

3.      Enteroviruses

4.      Parainfluenza viruses

5.      Enteroviruses

6.      Herpes simplex virus

The key symptoms of tonsillitis are swelling and inflammation of the uterus, occasionally severe enough to obstruct the airways.

Throat tenderness or pain

A white or yellow coating on the back

A headache

Swollen glands in the neck or neck area

In children, symptoms may also contain:

1.      Nausea

2.      Vomiting

3.      Abdominal pain

The Kind of Tonsillitis Determines What Symptoms Will Occur:-

Airway obstruction because of swollen tonsils might lead to mouth breathing, snoring, nocturnal breathing pauses, or sleep apnea. These symptoms generally resolve in a few days but may last up to fourteen days despite treatment.

Recurrent tonsillitis : This identification is made when someone has several episodes of severe tonsillitis in annually.

Chronic tonsillitis : People frequently have a chronic sore throat, halitosis, tonsillitis, and popularly tender lymph nodes.

Peritonsillar abscess: People frequently have acute neck pain, nausea, nausea, foul breath, trismus (trouble opening the mouth), and also muted audio quality, like the "hot potato" voice (like speaking with a hot potato in their mouth).

Quick facts on tonsillitis

Below are some critical things about tonsillitis. More detail and supporting information is at the primary article.

1.      Tonsillitis may be caused by a viral or bacterial infection.

2.      The huge majority of tonsillitis instances will clear of their rarity within 10 days.

3.      Tonsillitis is identified by examination of the neck and also a bacterial swab.

4.      There's a variety of infectious agents which could cause the disease.

5.      Tonsils are the body's first line of defense against external pathogens.

6.      When to see a Physician

Though infrequent, tonsillitis can occasionally make the neck to swell to such a degree which breathing becomes hard. If it happens, medical care is essential and urgent.

Also, if an Individual experience any of the following symptoms, They Ought to see their physician:

a.      A fever of over 103Ëš halfway

b.    Rigid neck

c.      Muscle fatigue

d.    A sore throat that lasts for more than two days

Homeopathy helps:

Diminishing the inflammation of the tonsils

Acts just like a natural pain killer and an anti-pyretic medication

Helps Allergic soreness & aggravation

Aligning your body with character and bringing to a pure healing within the body.

Homeopathy is safe, natural and may be dispensed to everybody without needing to be worried about the side effects. Homeopathy is the remedy that's proven to raise the body's immune system and restore the body's defenses as usual. Homeopathic medicines are chosen on the basis of individualization and every circumstance is taken following a comprehensive history, extracting the causative elements, modalities in addition to feature symptoms.

Here are some of the most wonderful drugs from the homeopathic trunk which are used to treat tonsillitis:

Belladonna: Indicated in dry, congested reddish neck with tonsil enlarged, throat feels constricted; hard deglutition; worse, fluids. Wish for cold water.

Kali muriaticum: In most cases of severe and chronic tonsillitis once the throat looks white or grey. Tonsils so expanded, they touch each other known as 'kissing tonsils'.

Lachesis: Suited for left-hand throat pain with considerably hawking, annoyance by signature and hot beverages

Baryta Carb: Kids that take cold easily and tonsils are almost always first to receive changed particularly in children with stunted physical and psychological growth.

Phytolacca: Tonsillitis of this follicular type; pain in the source of the tongue extending into the ears. Tonsils are bluish and expanded with dryness.

Hepar Sulph: Lancinating pains and splinter like feeling in throat; the trend of pus formation.

These are only a couple of medications mentioned; homeopathy has countless treatments for tonsillitis that are suggested based on the patient needs, causes, and symptoms. Medicines should be taken just after a suitable case analysis with a naturopathic expert for superior healing.

By Dr Naval Kumar April 25, 2018

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a passage in the wrist through which the median nerve and many tendons pass. Carpal tunnel is situated on the palmar side of the wrist or the interior of the wrist. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve passing through the lymph nodes passage becomes pinched or compressed. Additionally, it controls some tiny muscles at the base of the thumb. The outcome might be tingling, fatigue, or occasionally pain in the wrist and hand, or sometimes in the arm and forearm. CTS has become the most common and widely known of the entrapment neuropathies, where among the human body's peripheral nerves is pressed. Carpal tunnel syndrome results from a compressed nerve at the carpal tunnel, a narrow passageway on the side of the wrist. Carpal tunnel syndrome can also cause distress on your wrist and the palm.

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The three Chief symptoms associated with CTS are:

1.      Pain

2.      Numbness

3.      Tingling

These symptoms happen in the thumb and the two fingers next to it, in addition to half the ring finger. They may stretch to the remainder of the hand and the forearm. As the illness progresses, symptoms can persist throughout the daytime. The individual could eliminate grip power and find it more difficult to make a fist or grip small objects. Opening a bottle of pop, doing up buttons, or typing on a computer keyboard can become an issue.

If left untreated, the muscles at the base of the thumb can wither away, and the individual can no longer have the ability to tell hot from cold with the finger and thumb. Symptoms often emerge or get worse following the affected hand. The feeling of tingling, burning pain can worsen if the hand or arm has been in precisely the same place for quite a while.


The median nerve runs from your forearm using a passageway on your wrist (carpal tunnel) to hands. It supplies sensation to the palm side of the head and fingers, except the small finger. Whatever moisturizes or moisturizes the median nerve at the carpal tunnel space can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. A wrist fracture may narrow down the lymph nodes and also irritate the nerve-wracking, as can the swelling and swelling resulting from rheumatoid arthritis. There's not any single cause often. It can be a mix of risk factors leads to the growth of the status.

Risk factors:-

A range of factors is associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. Even though they might not directly lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, they might raise your odds of creating or aggravating median nerve damage. These include:

Anatomic elements: A wrist fracture or dislocation, or arthritis which deforms the tiny bones in the wrist, may change the distance inside the carpal tunnel and place pressure on the median nerve.

Individuals with smaller carpal tunnels might be more inclined to have carpal tunnel syndrome.

Sex: Carpal tunnel syndrome is usually more prevalent in girls. This might be because the lymph region is comparatively smaller in women than in men. Girls who have carpal tunnel syndrome could also have lower carpal channels than girls who do not have the illness.

Nerve-damaging ailments: Some chronic diseases, like diabetes, raise your chance of nerve damage, such as harm to a median nerve. Inflammatory problems.

Obesity: Being overweight is a substantial risk factor for carpal tunnel syndrome.

Fluid retention may raise the pressure inside your lymph nodes, bothersome the adrenal gland. This is not uncommon during menopause and pregnancy. Carpal tunnel syndrome related to pregnancy resolves typically on its following pregnancy.

Other medical problems: Certain conditions, such as diabetes, obesity, thyroid disorders and kidney failure, can boost your odds of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Workplace factors: It is likely that working with vibrating tools or within an assembly line which needs prolonged or repetitive bending of the wrist can cause serious pressure on the median nerve or aggravate present nerve damage. On the other hand, the scientific evidence is conflicting, and these variables have not been demonstrated as immediate causes of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Homeopathic Therapy for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:-

Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome at Welling Homeopathy entails a mainly developed treatment protocol that includes customized homeopathic medications for complete painless healing. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a medical condition arising from compression of Nerve since it travels throughout the wrist. The median nerve and many tendons operate from the forearm into our hands through a little distance within our wrist called the Carpal Tunnel. Pressure on the median nerve causes carpal tunnel syndrome Nasty grip power develops and within a period at the base of thumb squander off.

Any condition which leads to stress on the median nerve in the wrist can create symptoms including osteoporosis, oral contraceptives, hypothyroidism, diabetes, arthritis, injury, and pregnancy. Also making precisely the same hand moves over and above or wrist motion over and over again may result in the illness. Individuals with Carpal tunnel Syndrome poses with numbness, tingling, or burning sensations at the palms and hands, especially the index and middle fingers and lateral half of the ring finger. Symptoms may include pain at the hands or wrists, loss of grip strength. An individual might detect symptoms grow gradually at night and could have the ability to find relief from shaking hand.

Mild symptoms are usually treated with home maintenance. Implementing icepacks for pain relief, wearing a wrist splint at night that takes pressure off nerve-wracking, physiotherapy and exercise, cease actions which cause numbness and pain along with rest wrist more involving activities. If Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is related to other disease illness than handling that condition enhances the condition. A class of nonsurgical remedies is tried before launch operation is considered. Long-term chronic carpal tunnel syndrome (generally found in the older) can lead to permanent. Homeopathy has treated several surgical cases, such as the ones with carpal tunnel syndrome. Homeopathic remedies are prescribed by symptoms instead of conditions, as each case of a specific illness can manifest differently in various men and women. It's safe and mild and functions with the body to ease symptoms. Below mentioned are some Homeopathic medications which works nicely in cases of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

Arm and hands: Worse by chilly air and improved by heat.

Ruta: Pain and stiffness in hand and wrists, contraction of hands and straining. The inclination to deposits. Cannot lift or raise anything with

Hand: Wrist drop. Worse at night time.

Hypericum: functions well in the event of accidents to nerve-wracking, acute pain with crawling feeling.

Arnica: functions following strains or depreciation, any harm without fear of being touched.

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